Memory Error
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Level 1
In this level, there is a “win” variable.
By default, the value of this variable is zero.
However, when this variable is non-zero, the flag will be printed.
You can make this variable be non-zero by overflowing the input buffer.
The “win” variable is stored at 0x7ffcca200978, 88 bytes after the start of your input buffer.
Level 2
The challenge() function has just been launched!
This challenge stores your input buffer on the heap!
It also stores the “win” variable on the heap.
Allocating memory for the input buffer…
Called malloc(106) = 0x55b735a3b6b0
Called malloc(0x10) = 0x55b735a3b730
Called malloc(0x10) = 0x55b735a3b750
Called malloc(0x10) = 0x55b735a3b770
Called malloc(0x10) = 0x55b735a3b790
Called malloc(0x10) = 0x55b735a3b7b0
Called malloc(0x10) = 0x55b735a3b7d0
Allocating memory for the win variable…
Called calloc(1, sizeof(int)) = 0x55b735a3b7f0
In this level, there is a “win” variable.
By default, the value of this variable is zero.
However, when this variable is non-zero, the flag will be printed.
You can make this variable be non-zero by overflowing the input buffer.
The “win” variable is stored at 0x55b735a3b7f0, 320 bytes after the start of your input buffer.
这一关略有不同,这次数据是在堆上,但仍然可以找到offset为0x55b735a3b7f0 - 0x55b735a3b6b0 = 320。
Level 3
In this level, there is no “win” variable.
You will need to force the program to execute the win() function
by directly overflowing into the stored return address back to main,
which is stored at 0x7ffff0827268, 136 bytes after the start of your input buffer.
That means that you will need to input at least 144 bytes (113 to fill the buffer,
23 to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,
and 8 that will overwrite the return address).
Level 4
In this level, there is no “win” variable.
You will need to force the program to execute the win() function
by directly overflowing into the stored return address back to main,
which is stored at 0x7ffc2743e7f8, 88 bytes after the start of your input buffer.
That means that you will need to input at least 96 bytes (60 to fill the buffer,
28 to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,
and 8 that will overwrite the return address).
This challenge is more careful: it will check to make sure you
don’t want to provide so much data that the input buffer will
overflow. But recall twos compliment, look at how the check is
implemented, and try to beat it!
Level 5
In this level, there is no “win” variable.
You will need to force the program to execute the win() function
by directly overflowing into the stored return address back to main,
which is stored at 0x7fffd2297b18, 88 bytes after the start of your input buffer.
That means that you will need to input at least 96 bytes (48 to fill the buffer,
40 to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,
and 8 that will overwrite the return address).
This challenge will let you send multiple payload records concatenated together.
It will make sure that the total payload size fits in the allocated buffer
on the stack. Can you send a carefully crafted input to break this calculation?
You will want to overwrite the return value from challenge()
(located at 0x7ffdee130128, 88 bytes past the start of the input buffer)
with 0x402164, which is the address of the win() function.
This will cause challenge() to return directly into the win() function,
which will in turn give you the flag.
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Level 6
In this level, there is no “win” variable.
You will need to force the program to execute the win_authed() function
by directly overflowing into the stored return address back to main,
which is stored at 0x7fff00d955f8, 120 bytes after the start of your input buffer.
That means that you will need to input at least 128 bytes (92 to fill the buffer,
28 to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,
and 8 that will overwrite the return address).
One caveat in this challenge is that the win_authed() function must first auth:
it only lets you win if you provide it with the argument 0x1337.
Specifically, the win_authed() function looks something like:
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So how do you pass the check? There is a way, and we will cover it later,
but for now, we will simply bypass it! You can overwrite the return address
with any value (as long as it points to executable code), not just the start
of functions. Let’s overwrite past the token check in win!
To do this, we will need to analyze the program with objdump, identify where
the check is in the win_authed() function, find the address right after the check, and write that address over the saved return address.
Go ahead and find this address now. When you’re ready, input a buffer overflow that will overwrite the saved return address (at 0x7fff00d955f8, 120 bytes into the buffer)with the correct value.
- the address of win_authed() is 0x401bcd.
3401bd9: 89 7d fc mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4],edi
401bdc: 81 7d fc 37 13 00 00 cmp DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4],0x1337
401be3: 0f 85 f2 00 00 00 jne 401cdb <win_authed+0x10e>1
r.sendline(b'\x00' * 120 + b'\xe9\x1b\x40' + b'\x00' * 5)
Level 7
That means that you will need to input at least 96 bytes (58 to fill the buffer,
30 to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,
and 8 that will overwrite the return address).
Overwriting the entire return address is fine when we know
the whole address, but here, we only really know the last three nibbles.
These nibbles never change, because pages are aligned to 0x1000.
This gives us a workaround: we can overwrite the least significant byte
of the saved return address, which we can know from debugging the binary,
to retarget the return to main to any instruction that shares the other 7 bytes.
Since that last byte will be constant between executions (due to page alignment),
this will always work.
If the address we want to redirect execution to is a bit farther away from
the saved return address, and we need to write two bytes, then one of those
nibbles (the fourth least-significant one) will be a guess, and it will be
incorrect 15 of 16 times.
This is okay: we can just run our exploit a few
times until it works (statistically, after 8 times or so).
One caveat in this challenge is that the win_authed() function must first auth:
it only lets you win if you provide it with the argument 0x1337.
Specifically, the win_authed() function looks something like:
void win_authed(int token)
if (token != 0x1337) return;
puts(“You win! Here is your flag: “);
sendfile(1, open(“/flag”, 0), 0, 256);
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Level 8
That means that you will need to input at least 176 bytes (119 to fill the buffer, 49 to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,
and 8 that will overwrite the return address
Level 9
That means that you will need to input at least 48 bytes (17 to fill the buffer,
23 to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,
and 8 that will overwrite the return address).
While canaries are enabled, this program reads your input 1 byte at a time,
tracking how many bytes have been read and the offset from your input buffer to read the byte to using a local variable on the stack.
The code for doing this looks something like:
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As it turns out, you can use this local variable n
to jump over the canary.
Your input buffer is stored at 0x7ffcdb26f150, and this local variable n
is stored 20 bytes after it at 0x7ffcdb26f164.
When you overwrite n
, you will change the program’s understanding of
how many bytes it has read in so far, and when it runs read(0, input + n, 1)
again, it will read into an offset that you control.
This will allow you to reposition the write after the canary, and write
into the return address!
The payload size is deceptively simple.
You don’t have to think about how many bytes you will end up skipping:
with the while loop described above, the payload size marks the
right-most byte that will be read into.
As far as this challenge is concerned, there is no difference between bytes
“skipped” by fiddling with n
and bytes read in normally: the values
of n
and size
are all that matters to determine when to stop reading,
not the number of bytes actually read in.
That being said, you do need to be careful on the sending side: don’t send
the bytes that you’re effectively skipping!
从这一题开始canary就不再禁用了,也就是说不能像之前的题目一样直接写buffer了。这一题给我们提供了一种跳过canary 的简单方式,就是用上面的变量n
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Level 10
In this level, the flag will be loaded into memory.
However, at no point will this program actually print the buffer storing the flag.
这一题很有意思,题目说flag已经在内存里了,而且存在buffer后108字节的位置,但是不会有任何函数会打印flag,但是会打印我们插入的内容。所以我们只需要将空字节全部填充(包括最后的null termination)即可将flag一起打印出来。
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Level 11
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Level 12
That means that you will need to input at least 80 bytes (51 to fill the buffer,
21 to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,
and 8 that will overwrite the return address).
Because the binary is position independent, you cannot know
exactly where the win_authed() function is located.
This means that it is not clear what should be written into the return address.
This challenge has a trick hidden in its code. Reverse-engineer the binary right after this puts(), call to see the hidden backdoor!
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Level 13
This challenge reads the flag file to verify it. Do you think this might leave traces of the flag around afterwards?
The flag was read into address 0x7ffc354390b2.
The challenge() function has just been launched!
However… An important initialisation step was missed.
Use this to your advantage!
Level 14
This challenge has a trick hidden in its code. Reverse-engineer the binary right after this puts()
call to see the hidden backdoor!
That means that you will need to input at least 352 bytes (325 to fill the buffer,
19 to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,
and 8 that will overwrite the return address).
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buffer -> canary: 328
canary: 8
canary -> return: 8
return: 1fbc
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Level 15
from pwn import *
r = process(“/challenge/babymem_level15.0”)
s = remote(‘localhost’,1337, typ=’tcp’)
That means that you will need to input at least 48 bytes (19 to fill the buffer,
21 to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,
and 8 that will overwrite the return address).
While canaries are enabled, this networked program forks.
What is important to note is that the canary does not get re-randomized on fork.
When data that you are overflowing into is critical (i.e., if you screw it up
the program crashes), but also static across executions, you can brute-force
it byte by byte over many attempts.
So, let’s brute-force the canary!
If this is your first time running this program, all you know so far is that
the canary has a 0 as its left-most byte.
You should proceed like this:
- First, you should try overflowing just the null byte of the canary, for
practice. The canary starts at 0x7ffef4ed8c88, which is 24 bytes after the
start of your buffer. Thus, you should provide 24 characters followed
by a NULL byte, make sure the canary check passes, then try a non-NULL
byte and make sure the canary check fails. This will confirm the offsets. - Next try each possible value for just the next byte. One of them (the same
as whatever was there in memory already) will keep the canary intact, and
when the canary check succeeds, you know you have found the correct one. - Go on to the next byte, leak it the same way, and so on, until you have
the whole canary.
You will likely want to script this process! Each byte might take up to 256
tries to guess..
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